Diplomate of American Board of Internal Medicine
Diplomate of American Board of Obesity Medicine
Member of Obesity Medicine Association
Member/Fellow of American Academy of Antiaging Medicine
"Maintaining your health in one place"
Weight Loss Westover Hills, Nutrition and Weight Management

Patient Portal
You can view your medical information, diagnostic studies, results, request refills, and request appointments via Patient Portal. You must have an e-mail addess to register for the Patient Portal.
We strive to address patient's health issues as soon as possible; in most cases, same day or next day appointments are available. Our goal is to address patients concerns in as few appointments as possible. Due to time constraints, patients experiencing more than 3 medical issues at one time will need to be scheduled for additional appointments to address all medical issues thoroughly. Scheduling multiple appointments helps to ensure that each and every patient receives Dr. Joukovski's complete attention and equal time.
After hours calls are answered by our answering service. The Physician on-call will be glad to call you back and to discuss your medical concerns.
Prescriptions Refills
You may contact our office by phone or by logging onto the Patient Portal. We ask that you allow 5 business days from the day of the request for our office to process the prescription request. All prescriptions require periodic patient assessments depending on your medical condition; you may be asked to make an appointment to be seen in our office prior to any refill request being considered.
Financial Responsibility
As per our contractual agreement with your insurance carriers, we are responsible to collect all co-pays, coinsurance and deductibles. Your contracted portion will be due at the time of your appointment. If you are not going to be able to pay your contracted portion at your appointment time, your appointment may need to be rescheduled.